European Solidarity Corps
october 2024 – september 2025
Porto Burci
Vicenza, Italy


ASC: a youth association

Founded in 2001, ASC Vicenza supports associations and public bodies in the management of civil service projects. In the last ten years we have been working in creating youth and community centers. Today ASC Vicenza – in network with other associations – supports the PORTO BURCI project, a hybrid cultural center active since 2018.

Porto Burci is a cultural and aggregative center with two downtown locations in Vicenza (Porto Burci and Centro Tecchio), where we organize or host book presentations, creative courses, concerts, debates, performances, etc.

What are Porto Burci and Centro Giovanile Tecchio?

The Porto Burci project was born as a laboratory of citizenship, cultural and social actions. Activities take place in two locations: Porto Burci and Centro Tecchio, which are open and shared spaces dedicated to culture and active participation where the experimentation and shared ideas can be transformed into opportunities for the whole community through the exchange of skills and experiences. 

Porto Burci was created by five associations and today it is managed and coordinated as well by the valuable contribution of volunteers who animate the spaces and collaborate in its daily management. Furthermore, since its creation in 2018, various informal groups have emerged spontaneously. 


Volunteers’ tasks will take place in the cultural centre Porto Burci and in Centro Tecchio, in teamwork with other Italian volunteers. Training courses, workshops, movie screenings, conferences and concerts are just some of the activities we organize. There is also a small bar where people can chat, have a drink and enjoy moments of sociality.

How a volunteer can help in Porto Burci:
Events and more:


Accommodation, food and transport arrangements

The accomodation will be a double room shared with another ESC volounteer, in an apartment with other facilities as two bathrooms, kitchen, living room and garden, and which will be shared with other young people (also european volunteers from other associations of the city). The apartment is in the neighbourhood of San Pio X, 10 minutes by bike from Porto Burci, which is located in the city center of Vicenza. Therefore, volunteers will have a personal bike to use for the whole time of their stay. 

In Porto Burci there is a small kitchen where volunteers can warm their meals and have a coffee or a hot tea.

Training during the opportunity

During the first weeks, ESC volunteers will learn how to manage the site, how we plan and work on promotion of the activities and how to welcome people to Porto Burci. Still, they will have the opportunity to join an Italian language course organized by one of the associations of our network, attended by other international volunteers. During the rest of the year, ESC volunteers can choose to attend non-formal educational training about human rights and peace.

Which kind of volunteer we’d like to meet?

We are looking for young people interested in cultural and political issues and in organizing cultural events. 

Moreover, we will appreciate the application of youngsters who are excited about meeting and dealing with new people everyday, with a good level of problem solving, autonomy and flexibility skills.

You will work with other italian volunteers and meet a lot of people everyday, so be ready to socialize and learn the language!

Experiences from our old ESC volunteers:

“As a young person, I believe that the European Solidarity Corps is the best way to improve my working capacity in a multicultural environment and, at the same time, to be near other people that work with me and learn skills of team work and cooperation. I also learnt some technical skills as sewing or using wordpress, which can be practical for me in the future. No one should miss the opportunity of participating in an ESC project, because this experience opens our mind and makes us better as individuals and as a society.”

“This experience is a choice for my future because it allows me to participate and be part of the cultural and social life of a foreign country. I’ve learnt a lot about the possibilities of making and sharing culture, as well as making ambiental, cultural, artistic and social projects co-exist in the same place. Furthermore, ESC is also a good choice for young people because for us is hard to find a job since we don’t have experience, so this kind of projects will give us the opportunity to develope professional skills, gain independence and learn a new language.”

“During the five months I volunteered at Porto Burci, I had the big opportunity to meet great people and have fun. My role in this project was supporting other volunteers and people who came to the center to develop and carry out the events, as well as doing activities with kids and teenagers. You’ll be well welcomed by mosquitoes, humidity and rain, but also by very nice people and spritz. Jokes apart: for me, the most important thing about this place is that they change your perspectives, expand your horizons and add new values for yourself!”

“Porto Burci is a great place to volunteer if you are a politically active person who enjoys culture, since you’ll participate -and have fun- in the cultural events with which they try to change the city. Besides, you will gain a lot of technical tasks and skills and, more importantly, you will learn new things about yourself while living this experience. But what I love the most is that Porto Burci and its members are like a big family in which they will include you too so you’ll become a member of this beautiful and chosen family.”